# Sponsered by EDB and GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Singapore.
Nationality: SC/PR
Minimum GPA: 4.0/5.0
NTU admission requirement for Ph.D. and M.Eng. Note that GRE/GATE is required.
International Students
[UPDATED 23 JUN 2023] We have opening SCHOLARSHIPS for fulltime PhD students!
We welcome international students from all over the world to join us as M.Eng or Ph.D. students. NTU is an internationally-friendly university and Singapore is an amazing place for you to explore. Below are information of each programme.
NTU offers a variety of scholarships covering tuition and monthly stipends for international students. Details refer to NTU scholarship.
NTU admission requirement for Ph.D. and M.Eng. Note that GRE/GATE is required and IELTS/TOEFL may be required for whose native language is not English.
Although these scholarships could be competitive sometimes, the applicants are strongly encouraged to try eligible ones. For any inquiries regarding applications/scholarships, please feel free to email us at (EDSANG at NTU dot EDU dot SG) for further information.
You are encouraged to email with title “Prospective PhD/MEng Student_ NAME”. The body can be a short personal statement for us to know you, including your academic/career development and published papers or projects(if any). A brief CV attached is also helpful.
Reserch fellow/Collaboration partners
If you are seeking research fellow position/collaboration, please email us at (EDSANG at NTU dot EDU dot SG) for further connections.